Hamburg, the second-largest city in Germany and a great field for evangelism. Nearly 1.8 million people live in this city so be ready for a massive harvest . It’s one of the major cultural, economic, and historical hubs in Germany.
The city is known for the harbor, musicals and start up businesses.
The outreach opportunities are great because the city is so diverse in itself.
Its universities, including the University of Hamburg, attract students from across Germany and internationally, making campus ministry particularly effective.
The city has many different church denominations so we can connect new believers to a church that fits them. Evangelists can utilize the city’s dynamic public spaces, parks, and bustling waterfront to connect with residents and visitors.
For Christians who are hungry to see many salvations and to preach the gospel in one of the major cities in Europe Hamburg is the place to be .
We believe if Hamburgs gets shaken by the Gospel it will have a massive effect on all of Germany!
Come and join us!

Skeda ta' Kuljum

Kull jum se mmorru fit-toroq għal ftit sigħat biex naqsmu l-Evanġelju u naraw ħafna laqgħat li jbiddlu l-ħajja, nitolbu għall-fejqan u l-imħabba fuq in-nies. Ikollna pawżi fejn tista’ tieħu l-ikla u l-ikel u ħinijiet regolari biex tiġbor għall-qima, it-talb u biex tisma’ xhieda mill-aqwa ta’ dak li Alla qed jagħmel fit-toroq.

Aħna nibagħtulek aktar informazzjoni speċifika dwar il-belt li tagħżel wara li applikajt.

Il-parteċipanti kollha huma responsabbli li jkopru l-ispejjeż kollha tagħhom stess (titjiriet, akkomodazzjoni, trasport, ikel eċċ.) Nemmnu li dan se jkun investiment kbir biex l-Evanġelju jinfirex madwar l-Ewropa kollha.


The Best airport to fly into is Hamburg Airport (HAM)

  • This will most likely be the cheapest as well.
  • It is about 15 minutes to Hamburg by car, 30 minutes regular train to the city

Train stations

  • The best train station if you fly into/out of Hamburg is “Hamburg Flughafen”
    (located inside the airport).
  • The best train station is “Hamburg Hbf”
    (this is the main city train station, located in the heart of the city)

Transportation options within the city

  • trams and buses make it easy to get around Hamburg.

Most people take the tram and bus here, it’s the cheapest and easiest way to get around the whole city.

  • If you purchase a Hamburg daily/weekly ticket, you can ride both the trams and buses! You can either purchase tickets at a kiosk near the trams/trains/bus stops, the app called “DB Navigator” or this website The website will be the easiest choice.

These are the current prices:

  • The day ticket costs: 8,40 euros

  • The weekly ticket costs: 11,90 euros ( limited to specific areas of the city)

  • The monthly ticket costs: 50 euros (This s a great option because you can use it all around Germany, its not just limited to the city of Hamburg but this is only for the regular trains and trams) (If you book this option, then make sure you book for the month you want it and then cancel it right away so it doesn’t automatically charge you the next month. You will be still be able to use it for the month you purchased for! )

  • In the main city centre you can also get around with walking everywhere!

  • There are rentable e-bikes and scooters as well. They have a few app’s called “Tier” ,“Bolt” and “Lime

  • For taxi services you can use apps and services such as Uber, Bolt and FreeNow


Good areas to stay in the city are around the different parts like Altona, Schanzenviertel, Mundsburg and Eppendorf

You can find Airbnb, hotels and hostels in every part of the city giving opportunities to different preferences and budgets.

For hotels, apartment rentals and hostels you can use to find an accommodation to best suit your needs.

Contact the city director directly: