Stockholm, the heart of Scandinavia, is a city known for its stunning archipelago, vibrant culture, and rich history. Despite its beauty and prosperity, Stockholm faces challenges such as loneliness and secularism showing its great need of spiritual renewal.
The people are desperately searching for truth, love, and acceptance. Our mission is to bring the Gospel to the lost, share the love of God in the streets, and let His light transform the darkest places in this city.
God has a big plan for Stockholm and the Swedish nation. It is time to step in with authority and reclaim this land for its calling! We are expecting an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and His transforming power to sweep over Stockholm as the Gospel is preached in its streets! Together with you, we can be the hands and feet of Jesus, bringing the transformation and change that people are desperately waiting for!
Dnevni raspored
Svaki dan ćemo ići na ulice nekoliko sati kako bismo podijelili Evanđelje i vidjeli mnoge susrete koji mijenjaju živote, molili za iscjeljenje i ljubav kod ljudi. Imat ćemo stanke u kojima možete uzeti ručak i večeru i redovno vrijeme za okupljanje na bogoslužju, molitvi i slušanju nevjerojatnih svjedočanstava o tome što Bog radi na ulicama.
Poslat ćemo vam detaljnije informacije o gradu koji odaberete nakon prijave.
Svi sudionici sami snose sve svoje troškove (let, smještaj, prijevoz, hrana itd.). Vjerujemo da će ovo biti velika investicija u širenje evanđelja diljem Europe.
Best Airports: Arlanda Airport or Bromma Airport
There’s an airport shuttle that takes you straight to the central station called “Arlanda Express” or “Flygbussarna” (get tickets in advance online or at the airport, group tickets are cheaper).
Train station
Stockholm centralstation/T-centralen
Transportation: Public transport is very convenient in Stockholm. There are metro, trams, commuter train, buses and even some ferries using the same ticket system, or use the SL app
You can buy single tickets (valid for about 1h) on the spot by tapping your debit/credit card on the bus or station, contactless/Apple pay, or download the SL app
you can choose between a single ticket, or buy a period ticket and choose between 24h, 72h, 3-days, 7-days or 30 day ticket.
Notice – you cannot buy a public transport ticket with cash on the bus/metro/etc, buy it before you board through the app or contactless when you board.
- Uber or Bolt, or Fair-taxi or normal taxi is available.
- You may also choose to use electric scooters to get around Stockholm. These can be rented throughout the city. Different options are available for e-scooters such as Voi, Lime, Bird, Bolt or Link scooters.
Accommodation is recommended closer to city center/downtown, but because the public transportation is very convenient and smooth you can also find something outside of city center. Many options for accommodation are available throughout the city to suit different budgets and needs.
Hotel rooms, apartments to rent, and hostels can be found at
Good to know prior to arrival:
We rarely use cash anymore. Most stores, public transportation and restaurants use only credit card/debit card. Only certain grocery stores accept cash. Bringing cash is NOT recommended.