Bern, the heart of Switzerland and a jewel of Europe, is ripe for transformation! With a population of around 140,000, many of whom have yet to experience the full power of the Gospel. Bern is ready for an awakening of the reality of Jesus!

As tourists flock to its streets, politicians from across the globe gather here, and universities host students from all over the world, the opportunities to preach the Gospel are endless. Each of these people is in desperate need to encounter God’s love and to hear the life changing message of salvation.

Now is the time for Bern! It is time to come back to the Christian roots it was once founded in. Let’s seize the opportunity to flood Bern with the Gospel. Let’s see heaven invade earth with signs, wonders, and salvations through the unshakable truth of God’s word. Join us in transforming this city, and reaching every heart with the message of hope and redemption. Bern is waiting – let’s bring the light of Christ to every corner, TOGETHER!

Dnevni raspored

Svaki dan ćemo ići na ulice nekoliko sati kako bismo podijelili Evanđelje i vidjeli mnoge susrete koji mijenjaju živote, molili za iscjeljenje i ljubav kod ljudi. Imat ćemo stanke u kojima možete uzeti ručak i večeru i redovno vrijeme za okupljanje na bogoslužju, molitvi i slušanju nevjerojatnih svjedočanstava o tome što Bog radi na ulicama.

Poslat ćemo vam detaljnije informacije o gradu koji odaberete nakon prijave.

Svi sudionici sami snose sve svoje troškove (let, smještaj, prijevoz, hrana itd.). Vjerujemo da će ovo biti velika investicija u širenje evanđelja diljem Europe.


Zračna luka

There’s a small airport in Bern with a very few connections to some cities in Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Spain and Turkey depending on the season.

If you want to fly to Bern you have 3 options

2 major airports in Geneva and Zurich, both have a direct train connection to Bern’s train station, and a smaller one in Basel.

If you land with an international flight in Zurich, Geneva or Basel, you have practical options for continuing your journey by train from there. In Zurich and Geneva, a rail terminal is integrated into the airport.

All trains run every half hour, and the journey to Bern takes

  • Zurich Airport – Berne train station: 1 h 15 min.
  • EuroAirport Basel Mulhouse Fribourg – Berne railway station: 1 h 15 min
  • Geneva Airport – Berne railway station: just under 2 h

Since 2020, only a few flights have taken off from Bern Airport to holiday destinations, depending on demand.

With your own car

Driving through the lower part of the Old City is only allowed for residents or suppliers.


To rent bikes on demand in the city:

To rent bikes for at least a day or longer : 

Public transport

You get a BernTicket for free as soon as you stay in a tourist accommodation in the city. That allows you to use public transport in the city (zones 100 and 101) during all of your stay.

Boutique to buy tickets: 


During the Million Month, we will have different outreach locations throughout the city center, different areas in the city, and in a couple of towns in the proximity of Bern. Most locations are easy to access through bus, bike, or walk depending on where you chose to stay. Circulation and parking by car inside the old city may be more complicated or expensive.

Bern offers a lot of different types of Accommodations; hotels, hostels, Airbnb’s, and even camping places. A lot will be easily accessible by bike, bus and tram or train.

Most of the outreach locations will be located in the city of Bern, but a few other locations will be located in Thun and Friburg. Those 2 cities are easily reachable by train or car.

For the city of Bern, there will be an outreach location in each subdivision or center “quartiers”. Most of them are located in the center city though.

So you can choose your accommodation freely knowing there will most likely be an outreach location close.

A few websites that offer tips on where to stay and websites to book through:

Bern search tool for accommodation


Contact the city director directly: