Budapest, the capital of Hungary, offers significant opportunities for Christian evangelism. With a population of about 1.7 million, it is a major cultural, economic, and historical hub. The city is known for its stunning architecture, including many beautiful churches like St. Stephen’s Basilica and Matthias Church.

Budapest’s lively cultural scene and diverse population provide numerous outreach opportunities. The city hosts various cultural events, festivals and markets. Evangelists can also visit parks, public spaces as well as do pub-ministry, since the city has a very active nightlife scene, ideal for engaging with locals and sharing the Gospel. Its universities attract students from across Hungary and internationally, making campus ministry particularly impactful.

Multiple Christian denominations have a base in Budapest, fostering interdenominational collaboration and community-based initiatives. There are many cross-denominational events in Hungary and its nation is hungry for unity and revival.

Dnevni raspored

Svaki dan ćemo ići na ulice nekoliko sati kako bismo podijelili Evanđelje i vidjeli mnoge susrete koji mijenjaju živote, molili za iscjeljenje i ljubav kod ljudi. Imat ćemo stanke u kojima možete uzeti ručak i večeru i redovno vrijeme za okupljanje na bogoslužju, molitvi i slušanju nevjerojatnih svjedočanstava o tome što Bog radi na ulicama.

Poslat ćemo vam detaljnije informacije o gradu koji odaberete nakon prijave.

Svi sudionici sami snose sve svoje troškove (let, smještaj, prijevoz, hrana itd.). Vjerujemo da će ovo biti velika investicija u širenje evanđelja diljem Europe.


Zračna luka

Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Airport

Train Stations

Nyugati pályaudvar, Déli pályaudvar, Keleti pályaudvar, Kelenföld

Public transportation

Budapest has 4 main metro lines, 3 of them meet at “Deak Ferenc ter”, the downtown of the city. The rest of the city has a strong network of buses and trams, the outside suburbs are easily accessible via the fast train called HEV.

Transportation in Budapest is very affordable and we recommend purchasing a 30-day pass as your single tickets lose validity every time you change vehicles.

Cost of a single ticket: 450Ft  (around 1.1EUR)

30-day pass: 8950 Ft (around 23 EUR)

30-day pass for EU students: 3450 FT (around 9EUR)

Hungary pass (including all railways and public transportation within Hungary for 30 days): 18900 Ft (48EUR)

You can find out more information here:

You can purchase your tickets at the counters or local ticket machines. However, we recommend downloading the Budapest go app and purchasing your ticket there. You will only need to scan the QR codes in the local transportation to activate your pass and you’re ready to use it!


  • BKK
  • Biking: MOL bubi
  • Taxi
    • City Taxi (+36 1 211 1111)
    • Főtaxi (+36 1 222 2222)
    • Tele 5 (+36 1 555 5555)
  • All cabs are required by law to accept credit cards
  • Bolt (like Uber)
  • Electric scooters for rent


Downtown Budapest is close to outreach spots

Contact the city director directly: