Zagreb is a vibrant city embellished with stunning architecture, captivating museums, art galleries, beautiful green parks – it’s considered a top European destination. With a population of about 800,000 in the city and over 1.2 million in the metropolitan area, it is considered to be the largest city in Croatia. Locals are known to be open and relaxed, presenting great opportunities to start life changing conversations about Jesus!

Croatia is a predominantly Catholic nation, but many citizens consider themselves just culturally Catholic. In recent years, the Catholic Church has experienced a renewal, and it is not uncommon to find Catholic worship and prayer sets in the city. Protestants and evangelicals make up around 0,3% of the Croatian population, with most churches having under 30 members. 

We are believing for a move of God to sweep over this city that is familiar with religion but not yet knowing the goodness of God. As we go to preach the Gospel, together we will see Jesus encounter and transform lives right before our eyes. We will see the Gospel preached in power- the sick will be healed, the captives will be set free, and the lost will meet their Savior!

The people of Zagreb are ready for an encounter with Jesus, which means they need to hear the full Gospel. Join our mission to make disciples in Croatia!

Programul zilnic

În fiecare zi vom merge pe străzi timp de câteva ore pentru a împărtăși Evanghelia și pentru a vedea multe întâlniri care schimbă vieți, pentru a ne ruga pentru vindecare și pentru a iubi oamenii. Vom avea pauze în care puteți lua prânzul și cina și momente regulate în care ne vom aduna pentru închinare, rugăciune și pentru a asculta mărturiile uimitoare despre ceea ce face Dumnezeu pe străzi.

Vă vom trimite informații mai specifice despre orașul pe care l-ați ales după ce v-ați înscris.

Toți participanții sunt responsabili pentru acoperirea tuturor costurilor proprii (zboruri, cazare, transport, hrană etc.) Credem că aceasta va fi o mare investiție în răspândirea Evangheliei în întreaga Europă.


Traveling to Zagreb


Zagreb International Airport – Franjo Tudman

Address: Ulica Rudolfa Fizira 1 10410 Velika Gorica

Train station

Glavni Kolodvor

Address: Trg Kralja Tomislava 12, Zagreb

Transportation within Zagreb

Zagreb’s public transportation system is called ZET, short for Zagrebački Električni Tramvaj. It is very reliable and accessible; it is made up primarily of buses and trams that go throughout the city and extend beyond to neighboring cities including Velika Gorica where the airport is located.


1 tram or bus ticket is 0.53 euros for a 30 min ride and 1.33 euros for a 90 min ride.

A daily ticket is 3.98 euros.

A multi-day ticket for the week is 19.91 euros and can be purchased exclusively at ZET’s ticket offices.

Uber is an option in Zagreb, but it is not very reliable.

Most taxis only accept cash.

Croatian currency

The currency used in Croatia is Euro (EUR/€). Croatians mainly rely on cash, although cards are also widely accepted in bigger cities like Zagreb. However, you most likely won’t be able to go completely cashless.


Best area to stay for outreaches is City Center – however, we will also go to neighborhoods outside of City Center where some local churches are located.

Some accommodation options:

Contact the city director directly: