Welcome to Reykjavik, a city where you can witness the stunning beauty of fire and ice in perfect harmony, displaying God’s incredible creation. As the capital of Iceland, Reykjavik is renowned for its closeness to volcanic eruptions and breathtaking glaciers.
Revelation 14:1
“The hairs on his head were white, like white wool, like snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire.”
In the land of fire and ice, many will come across the man with the eyes of fire as we will reach the city with the Good News! 
We truly believe that God is working something extraordinary in Iceland and within the body of Christ. He is stirring a deep hunger for His presence and intimacy, reigniting the first love for Him, and uniting His body to fulfill the Great Commission. We sense that the unity in Christ is reshaping communities and cities, much like the tectonic forces that shape Iceland’s landscape. As we come together in prayer and action, we are building bridges of hope and faith, reaching out to those who need to hear about Jesus Christ and the Gospel of salvation.

Programul zilnic

În fiecare zi vom merge pe străzi timp de câteva ore pentru a împărtăși Evanghelia și pentru a vedea multe întâlniri care schimbă vieți, pentru a ne ruga pentru vindecare și pentru a iubi oamenii. Vom avea pauze în care puteți lua prânzul și cina și momente regulate în care ne vom aduna pentru închinare, rugăciune și pentru a asculta mărturiile uimitoare despre ceea ce face Dumnezeu pe străzi.

Vă vom trimite informații mai specifice despre orașul pe care l-ați ales după ce v-ați înscris.

Toți participanții sunt responsabili pentru acoperirea tuturor costurilor proprii (zboruri, cazare, transport, hrană etc.) Credem că aceasta va fi o mare investiție în răspândirea Evangheliei în întreaga Europă.


Traveling to Reykjavik is convenient, with many direct flights from the US and Europe to Keflavik International Airport and frequent shuttles from the airport to the city.
Getting around the city is easy with frequent buses and multi-day passes. HOPP scooters are a fun way to explore the city.


While Iceland can be pricey, there are affordable lodging options available.

Hostels like B47, KEX, and NORDIC offer dorms with cooking facilities and common areas.

CityHub will also open a new pod hostel in September 2024, providing more choices.

Contact the city director directly: