Kyiv, the vibrant and beautiful capital of Ukraine, also known as the “heart of Ukraine” has a population of around three million people. Many of Kyiv’s current residents are Ukrainians displaced from occupied war-torn areas of Ukraine.
Kyiv is a major cultural and historical hub. It’s known for its rich Christian heritage and is home to many iconic Orthodox churches. Despite its rich, deep religious roots, now more than ever, Ukraine needs the Gospel. In the midst of the war, God is moving in Kyiv. Churches and evangelists in Ukraine are seeing many people come to saving faith in Jesus Christ.
Join Million Month outreach in Kyiv, where we will preach the Gospel in the streets, market places and train stations, and witness firsthand how God is transforming lives during difficult times. Jesus said to his disciples in Matthew 9:37, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” The fields are ready for harvest—will you answer the call? Together, let’s bring the light of the Gospel to Kyiv, Ukraine.


Elke dag gaan we een paar uur de straat op om het evangelie te delen en veel levensveranderende ontmoetingen te zien, te bidden voor genezing en mensen lief te hebben. We hebben pauzes waar je kunt lunchen en dineren en regelmatige tijden om samen te komen voor aanbidding, gebed en om de verbazingwekkende getuigenissen te horen van wat God aan het doen is op straat.

We sturen je meer specifieke informatie over de stad die je hebt gekozen nadat je je hebt aangemeld.

Alle deelnemers zijn verantwoordelijk voor hun eigen kosten (vluchten, accommodatie, vervoer, eten etc.) We geloven dat dit een geweldige investering is in de verspreiding van het Evangelie in heel Europa.


Closest airports

  • Warsaw Chopin Airport, Poland.
    Train from Warsaw to Kyiv
  • Krakow – John Paul II International Airport Kraków-Balice, Poland.
  • Rzeszów-Jasionka Airport, Poland.


Travel to Kyiv from Krakow:

  • Bus from Krakow bus station to Lviv. Then train from Lviv train station to Kyiv main station (this route can take longer)
  • Krakow main station -> train to Przemyśl -> train to Kyiv.


Travel to Kyiv from Rzeszów:

  • Train from Rzeszów to Przemyśl. Train from Prszymel to Kyiv main station (fastest route).
  • Arrival destination: Kyiv main station (Kyiv-Pasazhyrskyi)


Transportation options within the city:


Here are some websites you can check for train tickets:


Here you can look for busses:


Ideal location close to the city center and near a Metro station.

Hotel Ukraine

Dream Hostel Kyiv

Premier Hotel Rus

Contact the city director directly: