
Together we will reach many areas with the gospel! Lots of people feel lost and don’t know where to find joy, hope and purpose in life, even if they seem to have it altogether. Manchester needs Jesus! We believe for many to come to Christ and for this city to be transformed in different places of society to eventually impact the world. The UK carries a rich revival history and we invite you to make history once again in the summer of 2025 as we witness people encounter Jesus in life changing ways!

Daglig plan

Hver dag vil vi gå ut på gatene i et par timer for å dele evangeliet og se mange livsforvandlende møter, be om helbredelse og elske mennesker. Vi vil ha pauser der du kan spise lunsj og middag, og faste tidspunkter for å samles til lovsang, bønn og for å høre de fantastiske vitnesbyrdene om hva Gud gjør på gatene.

Vi sender deg mer spesifikk informasjon om byen du velger etter at du har søkt.

Alle deltakere er ansvarlige for å dekke alle sine egne kostnader (flyreiser, overnatting, transport, mat osv.) Vi tror at dette vil være en god investering i evangeliet som spres over hele Europa.


more to come soon


more to come soon

UK Currency

The currency used in UK is Great British Pounds (GBP/£) – not Euros. Though most vendors take card, it’s not unusual to use cash. You can exchange money once in the country (e.g Tesco Money Exchange), or whilst at the airport. 




Although it will be summer when you come to Manchester for Million Month. It is IMPORTANT to remember that it tends to rain often here. That being said; the weather can be very variable; one day really hot, next day cooler! Bring a rain coat, umbrella, a hoodie, pull over, or light jacket so that you can layer up or down according to weather changes. And bring some comfortable footwear – as we will be on our feet a lot sharing the gospel over the two weeks!!




Contact the city director directly: