Marseille, rebel city, known as the black sheep of France needs you to bring the light of Jesus.
With almost 1.2 million inhabitants, Marseille is the second largest city in France. More than 35% of the population have Islam as their main religion.
We have received a vision from God that Marseille will not only be known for crime, drug problems and soccer, but that this city will become a “harbor” of blessing for the nations. 
Marseille is the oldest city in France, founded 600 years before Jesus Christ, and has played a strategic role in the spiritual development of the Mediterranean region ever since. The first Christians came from Ephesus to Marseille with the Gospel, which was spread from there. 
Come and help us reach this special, intense city with the love of Jesus. The harvest is ripe, we need you as a laborer.  

Daglig plan

Hver dag vil vi gå ut på gatene i et par timer for å dele evangeliet og se mange livsforvandlende møter, be om helbredelse og elske mennesker. Vi vil ha pauser der du kan spise lunsj og middag, og faste tidspunkter for å samles til lovsang, bønn og for å høre de fantastiske vitnesbyrdene om hva Gud gjør på gatene.

Vi sender deg mer spesifikk informasjon om byen du velger etter at du har søkt.

Alle deltakere er ansvarlige for å dekke alle sine egne kostnader (flyreiser, overnatting, transport, mat osv.) Vi tror at dette vil være en god investering i evangeliet som spres over hele Europa.


  • 20 Minutes outside of city center
  • Direct Bus (Navette) to the city center Railiway Station “Gare Saint Charles”, LINE L91 every 10 Minutes
Train Station:
Marseille, Gare St. Charles
Transportation options within the city


Best Is to take accommodation services (AirBnB, Hotels) in the following districts. These districts are the most central ones. You could also book more outside but it will take much more time to get into the city center with public transportation.
  • 13001, 13002 (most central districts)
  • 13007,13005,13004,13003

Contact the city director directly: