Skeda ta' Kuljum
Kull jum se mmorru fit-toroq għal ftit sigħat biex naqsmu l-Evanġelju u naraw ħafna laqgħat li jbiddlu l-ħajja, nitolbu għall-fejqan u l-imħabba fuq in-nies. Ikollna pawżi fejn tista’ tieħu l-ikla u l-ikel u ħinijiet regolari biex tiġbor għall-qima, it-talb u biex tisma’ xhieda mill-aqwa ta’ dak li Alla qed jagħmel fit-toroq.
Aħna nibagħtulek aktar informazzjoni speċifika dwar il-belt li tagħżel wara li applikajt.
Il-parteċipanti kollha huma responsabbli li jkopru l-ispejjeż kollha tagħhom stess (titjiriet, akkomodazzjoni, trasport, ikel eċċ.) Nemmnu li dan se jkun investiment kbir biex l-Evanġelju jinfirex madwar l-Ewropa kollha.
Getting to Dublin
The best airport to fly into is Dublin Airport; buses are available to and from the City. For more information about Dublin Airport and transport options to and from the airport, click here: https://www.dublinairport.com
If you want to travel to Dublin by rail from elsewhere in Europe, please be aware that you must catch a train & ferry as Ireland is an island.
More information about travelling to Dublin can be found at https://www.ireland.com/en-gb/destinations/experiences/dublin/
When it comes to public transport in Dublin, the most convenient option is to travel by bus. We recommend purchasing a Leap Visitor Card. This card offers unlimited travel on Dublin City Bus services (operated by Dublin Bus and Go-Ahead Ireland), Luas (tram), DART and Commuter Rail in the Dublin area for your selected period.
For more information, visit:
For your convenience and to ensure ease of travel to our outreach locations, we highly recommend staying in the heart of Dublin City Centre.
Dan il-post ċentrali joffri firxa ta’ għażliet ta’ akkomodazzjoni, inklużi lukandi, AirBnBs, u ħostels.
If you’re seeking more budget-friendly alternatives, consider the possibility of college campuses renting out rooms during the summer or exploring the caravan and camping options just outside the City.
Swords, a nearby town, also provides excellent value with its range of affordable hotels and AirBnBs.