Porto, the second-largest city in Portugal, is ready for a fresh wave of the Gospel! This colorful and vibrant coastal city has served as Portugal’s main port for receiving resources since the nation’s establishment, with what arrived in Porto being distributed to all the major cities in Portugal. We believe it is no coincidence that God has now highlighted this city as the place where Portugal will receive and spread a fresh wave of the Gospel.

Portugal has been a predominantly Catholic nation for centuries, and while this country has dug deep wells with the Lord, many young people in this generation have never had a life-giving encounter with Jesus – mostly solely with religious systems. As a result, they have turned away from faith, filling that void with partying, drinking, and drugs. But we believe that God is ready to rewrite the story! 

Porto is famous for its coastal caves that have served as wine cellars for centuries. We believe that God no longer wants the Portuguese to rely on the old wine of their religion, but rather to pour out new wine—a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit over the city of Porto.

We believe God’s heart is burning for His Portuguese sons and daughters to receive His love through the hope of the Gospel of Jesus!

Come join us in Porto!

Programma giornaliero

Ogni giorno andremo per le strade per un paio d'ore per condividere il Vangelo e vedere molti incontri che cambiano la vita, pregare per la guarigione e amare le persone. Avremo delle pause per pranzare e cenare e momenti regolari per riunirci per l'adorazione, la preghiera e per ascoltare le incredibili testimonianze di ciò che Dio sta facendo per le strade.

Vi invieremo informazioni più specifiche sulla città che avete scelto dopo aver fatto domanda.

Tutti i partecipanti sono responsabili della copertura dei propri costi (voli, alloggio, trasporti, cibo, ecc.) Crediamo che questo sia un grande investimento per la diffusione del Vangelo in tutta Europa.


Airports & train stations to travel to Porto

  • Sá Carneiro Airport (it’s the only one here)

  • Stazioni ferroviarie:

    • São Bento Station

    • Campanhã Station


Transportation options within the city:

Uber is available in Porto

Metro and Stcp bus:

Andante Tour 1…………7.50 euros

Valid for 24 consecutive hours after the first validation

Andante Tour 3…………16.00 euros

Valid for 72 consecutive hours after the first validation




Best area to stay in are

  • Downtown Porto

  • Boavista

There are many options available for accommodations including hotels, shared homes, hostels to suit different budgets.

The best websites for accommodations:




The currency in Porto is Euro

Major debit and credit cards are accepted in most places

Contact the city director directly: