Oslo is the capital of Norway, known for its modern architecture. Being one of the richest countries in Europe, Norway has a really high standard of life. Many people try to find joy and purpose in their wealth which they believe would fill the void in their hearts. Here we can clearly see that having the riches of the world does not give us true life and the people of Oslo are known to be very lonely and isolated. It’s not a surprise to see enormous depression and suicide rates in this country. It’s time for them to meet Life Himself!
We know that true riches lie in Jesus Christ, but they don’t know this quite yet. Together, we can change this reality by preaching the Gospel and bringing hope to the city! Let’s join and flood the streets of Oslo with the love of God and give people the true reason for living!
Programma giornaliero
Ogni giorno andremo per le strade per un paio d'ore per condividere il Vangelo e vedere molti incontri che cambiano la vita, pregare per la guarigione e amare le persone. Avremo delle pause per pranzare e cenare e momenti regolari per riunirci per l'adorazione, la preghiera e per ascoltare le incredibili testimonianze di ciò che Dio sta facendo per le strade.
Vi invieremo informazioni più specifiche sulla città che avete scelto dopo aver fatto domanda.
Tutti i partecipanti sono responsabili della copertura dei propri costi (voli, alloggio, trasporti, cibo, ecc.) Crediamo che questo sia un grande investimento per la diffusione del Vangelo in tutta Europa.
- Oslo Airport, Gardermoen
(+train 20-30 minutes to Oslo Central station(Oslo S) ) - (Oslo Torp) Sandefjord
2 hours away from Oslo
Shuttlebus from there to Oslo Busterminal
Buses and trams are available throughout the city
Tickets: www.ruter.no
7-day tickets available
Depending on your preferences and budget, Oslo offers many hotels, hostels(recommended), and Airbnb(recommended) to suit individual needs.
Airbnb.com (from 20$/night upwards)
Hostelsworld.com (from21€night upwards)
Areas(close to gathering/outreach locations):
- Oslo Sentrum (center)
- Frogner
- Majorstuen
- Grunerløkka
- St.Hanshaugen
- Gamle Oslo