Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, offers significant opportunities for Christian evangelism. With a population of about 1.3 million, it is a major cultural, economic, and historical center, as well as being a tourism hotspot. Beautiful Praha, often dubbed “the city of a hundred spires” actually has over 500 spires such as St. Vitus Cathedral and the Church of Our Lady before Týn, which reflect its spiritual and architectural heritage.
Although the Czech Republic boasts of being one of the most atheistic nations in the world, there is a growing thirst for truth and openness to hope which is exciting. Prague’s blend of historical significance in Europe, cultural richness, spiritual heritage and growing hunger for truth make it an ideal time in history to share the powerful gospel of Christ with this nation!

Programma giornaliero

Ogni giorno andremo per le strade per un paio d'ore per condividere il Vangelo e vedere molti incontri che cambiano la vita, pregare per la guarigione e amare le persone. Avremo delle pause per pranzare e cenare e momenti regolari per riunirci per l'adorazione, la preghiera e per ascoltare le incredibili testimonianze di ciò che Dio sta facendo per le strade.

Vi invieremo informazioni più specifiche sulla città che avete scelto dopo aver fatto domanda.

Tutti i partecipanti sono responsabili della copertura dei propri costi (voli, alloggio, trasporti, cibo, ecc.) Crediamo che questo sia un grande investimento per la diffusione del Vangelo in tutta Europa.



Vaclav Havel Prague international Airport

Train station

Hlavni Nadrazi Prague (Prague main train station)

Prague has an easy and reliable public transportation system. Metro, Trams and Buses are easy to use and are accessible with the same ticket


Prague is divided into 22 districts numbered 1-22. 

District 1 is the very centre and would be most expensive. 

Any district from 10 or under would be a viable option as there is typically easy public transportation to any place we would be ministering

Contact the city director directly: