There has never been a time in history when Tallinn was more ripe for the harvest than now! God is awakening the beautiful Estonian bride to bring the gospel to the streets once again. In fact, there is a fresh wave of eager young people spearheading various events, crusades, outreaches, and training initiatives all over Estonia.
This summer, the first crusade in fifteen years took place across four different locations over six days, drawing packed crowds at every venue—Estonia is ready to witness masses being saved!
Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, with a population of approximately 450,000, is a cultural and economic center with a deep historical and spiritual heritage. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, people began wholeheartedly turning to God, and many of today’s leaders came to faith during that time. Fast forward 30 years, and it’s time to see a move of God once again.
We invite you to join us in writing history in Tallinn, to witness people turning wholeheartedly to God. To see healings, family restorations, and the transformative power of God’s love in every corner of the city. Let’s be part of the greatest harvest we have ever seen or experienced and preach the Gospel together in Tallinn!
Á hverjum degi munum við fara á göturnar í nokkrar klukkustundir til að deila fagnaðarerindinu og sjá mörg lífsbreytandi kynni, biðja um lækningu og kærleika til fólks. Við munum hafa hlé þar sem þú getur fengið þér hádegismat og kvöldmat og reglulega tíma til að safnast saman fyrir tilbeiðslu, bænir og heyra ótrúlega vitnisburð um hvað Guð er að gera á götunum.
Við munum senda þér nákvæmari upplýsingar um borgina sem þú velur eftir að þú sóttir um.
Allir þátttakendur eru ábyrgir fyrir því að standa straum af öllum sínum eigin kostnaði (flug, gistingu, flutning, mat osfrv.) Við teljum að þetta verði frábær fjárfesting í því að fagnaðarerindið verði dreift um alla Evrópu.
The best way to travel to Estonia is to fly into Tallinn airport. The airport is in the city and transportation from there is simple.
Transportation options within the city
Taxi options the easiest and also cheap options are: Uber, Bolt
In Tallinn we have also good public transportation options:
Tallinn is very compact and easy to get around. Reaching farther out destinations is simple thanks to the city’s network of buses, trolleys and trams. The public transport network operates from 6:00 to 23:00 daily.
Buses – https://transport.tallinn.ee/#bus/en
Trolleys – https://transport.tallinn.ee/#trol/en
Trams – https://transport.tallinn.ee/#tram/en
Ticket prices
You can buy the following hour and day tickets for Tallinn’s public transport network:
One-hour ticket (60 min): €2
One-day ticket (24h) : €5.50
Three-day ticket (72h): €9
Five-day ticket (120h): €11
30-day ticket: €30
Where to buy the different tickets?
The tickets are valid from their first validation until the end of the last validated trip. You must re-scan each entry during your travel period. A green light means your ticket has been successfully validated, a red light signals your card is not valid or you might be out of credit.
One-hour tickets and one-day tickets:
You can buy one-hour tickets:
At the ticket machines located at the airport, central bus station, bus terminal at Viru Keskus, and the port’s A- and D-terminals
With a contactless payment card* (Mastercard, Maestro, Visa and Visa Electron) at the rectangular orange validators in the front of the vehicle.
You can buy one-day tickets and one-hour tickets (known as QR tickets):
By loading money* or the appropriate ticket on your Ühiskaart (green fare card) online or anywhere the cards are sold (see below)
online from https://tallinn.pilet.ee/buy .
With the mobile app pilet.ee (for iOS and Android). When you purchase a ticket through the app, a service charge of 0.32 euros will be added to the price.
When buying a ticket through tallinn.pilet.ee, you can both download your ticket and have it sent to your e-mail address. If you create an account, your tickets will also be visible under ‘My tickets’.
Three-day, five-day, and 30-day tickets
One-, three-, five- and 30-day tickets can be loaded on your “Ühiskaart”, a green plastic fare card also known as a smartcard or travelcard. You can buy an“Ühiskaart” for a two-euro deposit (for refunds, see further below), and then load it with credit or the ticket of your choice online from tallinn.pilet.ee, via the pilet.ee app (for iOS and Android), or anywhere the cards are sold.
There are numerous sales points in and around Tallinn:
Tourist Information Centre (Niguliste 2)
Tallinn City Government customer service desk (Vabaduse väljak 7)
Any R-Kiosk in Tallinn
Tallinn Central Bus Station (Lastekodu 46)
Omniva post offices in Tallinn and Harjumaa
Select Maxima, Prisma, Rimi, Selver, and Stockmann supermarkets.
In Tallinn we have many different hotels and hostels – because the transportation is very good when choosing an accommodation the choices are many.
We recommend reserving a place within the city limits of Tallinn.
Here, you can look at a range of possibilities and search for hotels in particular areas of the city:
Accommodation: https://visittallinn.ee/eng/visitor/plan/good-to-know/accommodation
AirBnB accommodations are another option for staying in Tallinn.
Booking.com for accommodation including hotels, hostels, and Airbnbs