Empowerment Weekends

Do you have a heart to reach the lost in your city but don’t know where to start? Do you want to live out the great commission and realize there are things holding you back from preaching the Gospel? Do you long to understand the heart of the Father for the lost and grow in passion and compassion for them?
Then Empowerment Weekends are for you!
Empowerment Weekends are designed to connect you with the heart of God for your city and to equip you with everything you need to go out and preach the Gospel. We will worship and seek the Lord together! You will be trained by our Million Month teams and given the opportunity to practically apply what you learned right away! You will realize that preaching the Gospel is easier than you think. The pure Gospel in itself will bring fruit, if you simply give your “yes” to preach it!
Here is an example of what an Empowerment Weekend looks like practically:
Friday Evening: Worship, Message and Prayer
Saturday Morning: Training in Evangelism, Follow-up and Discipleship
Saturday Afternoon: Street Outreaches in the city
Saturday Evening: Time of Celebration, Testimonies, Q&A and Prayer
We are so expectant for this time – so many salvations, healings and even personal breakthroughs are going to happen! Empowerment Weekends are deeply transformational. You will be challenged and encouraged in taking risks – God is going to grow you to reach people with His Gospel.
Join us in the following cities: