God is Breaking Chains in Bucharest!

God is longing to reveal the true meaning of freedom to the people of Bucharest! As the capital and largest city of Romania, Bucharest is one of the most densely populated cities in the European Union, and it is in desperate need of Jesus’s message of love and freedom—the Gospel. During the systematization movement of the 1970s, dozens of churches, monasteries, and synagogues were destroyed as the city was leveled and rebuilt in the name of “equality and unity,” where everything was made uniform.

We believe that in Piața Unirii (Unification Square), the central square of Bucharest, God will move powerfully to restore what was taken and to show the Romanian people, through the free gift of salvation, what it means to live in true unity and freedom as His sons and daughters. They are not called to conform to this world, but rather to embrace the unique ways God created them. As the Body of Christ unites, each one will step into the freedom that Christ purchased for them on the cross, discovering and fulfilling the call and destiny on their lives.

Join us in Bucharest as the Lord moves mightily to save souls and set His children free to live uniquely and fully alive in Christ!


Iga päev läheme paariks tunniks tänavatele, et jagada evangeeliumi ja näha palju elumuutvaid kohtumisi, palvetada tervenemise eest ja armastada inimesi. Meil on pausid, kus saab süüa lõunat ja õhtusööki ning regulaarselt koguneme palveks, palvetamiseks ja kuulata hämmastavaid tunnistusi sellest, mida Jumal tänavatel teeb.

Saadame sulle pärast kandideerimist täpsemat teavet valitud linna kohta.

Kõik osalejad peavad ise katma kõik oma kulud (lennud, majutus, transport, toit jne.) Me usume, et see on suur investeering evangeeliumi levitamisse kogu Euroopas.



There are 2 airports in Bucharest. The main one is Bucharest Henri Coandă International Airport and there is the second one Aurel Vlaicu International Airport.

Train Stations

  • Train station – Bucharest North -> The main one and closest to the city center
  • Aeroport Henri Coanda Train Station -> The one from the main airport
  • Bucharest Baneasa -> The one closest to the second airport
Train company in Romania: https://www.cfrcalatori.ro/


Transpordivõimalused linnas

  • The subway (M): There are 5 lines that go in the city. It’s the most afordable one ( 6 euro for a week pass)
  • Bolt and Uber (Transportation with a car)
  • The local bus transportation


This is a good website just in general with all the transportation: https://visitbucharest.today/bucharest-public-transport/


The best place to stay is around the old town (city center) as is the best place for outreaches and also it’s the easiest to get in any part of the city from there. You will have access to different ways of transportation to get you around the city.
The best accommodation deals you can find them on: www.airbnb.com or www.booking.com

Contact the city director directly: