There is a river of the Spirit ready to be uncovered in Brussels!
Brussels, the capital of Belgium and the European Union, is a significant city in Europe. With a population of over one million, it serves as a major cultural and political hub. The city lies in the valley of the Senne River, a river historically marked by inconsistent seasons of both overflowing banks and shallow, stagnant waters. Long ago, there was a great need to purify the waters of the Senne, but instead of choosing purification, the city opted to cover the river with streets. This once-great river remained hidden under pavement for more than a century, largely forgotten. We believe this natural occurrence reflects a spiritual reality: just as the river was physically covered, there have been times in history when the flow of the Holy Spirit has been concealed in Brussels.
Now, we believe the Lord is calling Brussels into a season of heart purification and repentance—a time to uncover a fresh flow of the Holy Spirit that will cleanse the nation and draw it back to Christ. Brussels will no longer be known as a city stagnant in its faith but as a city with a strong, vibrant flow of the River of God!
Join us in this significant hour of repentance and salvation as the Lord washes the hearts and hands of the Belgian people by the water of His Spirit.
Iga päev läheme paariks tunniks tänavatele, et jagada evangeeliumi ja näha palju elumuutvaid kohtumisi, palvetada tervenemise eest ja armastada inimesi. Meil on pausid, kus saab süüa lõunat ja õhtusööki ning regulaarselt koguneme palveks, palvetamiseks ja kuulata hämmastavaid tunnistusi sellest, mida Jumal tänavatel teeb.
Saadame sulle pärast kandideerimist täpsemat teavet valitud linna kohta.
Kõik osalejad peavad ise katma kõik oma kulud (lennud, majutus, transport, toit jne.) Me usume, et see on suur investeering evangeeliumi levitamisse kogu Euroopas.
Zaventem international airport
Best areas would be city centre (avoid paying extra transportation but accommodation will be more expensive)