Paris—the City of Lights, the City of Love—stands dazzling in beauty, yet beneath its charm, there’s a deep spiritual longing. In June 2025, The Million Month is your divine opportunity to bring the Light of the World to this iconic city.
Though famous for love, Paris longs for the unconditional love of the Father. The romance fades, but the love of Jesus is eternal. You have the chance to stand in its streets, beneath the Eiffel Tower, along the Seine, and proclaim the Good News—that true love and freedom are found in Christ alone. Paris is ready for the Gospel, and God is calling us to arise!
In 2025 we will witness a spiritual awakening, as lives are transformed by the power of the Gospel. This is our moment to flood the city with the love of the Father. Will you answer the call? Let’s bring a new legacy to Paris, one of revival that will last for eternity.
Programa diario
Cada día saldremos a la calle durante un par de horas para compartir el Evangelio y ver muchos encuentros que cambian vidas, orar por sanación y amar a la gente. Tendremos descansos en los que podrás comer y cenar, y momentos regulares para reunirnos para adorar, orar y escuchar los increíbles testimonios de lo que Dios está haciendo en las calles.
Te enviaremos información más específica sobre la ciudad que elijas después de que hayas presentado tu solicitud.
Todos los participantes son responsables de cubrir sus propios gastos (vuelos, alojamiento, transporte, comida, etc.) Creemos que será una gran inversión para que el Evangelio se extienda por toda Europa.
Paris Charles de Gaulles and Paris Orly
Public transportation is available from the airport to different parts of the city.
Train Station:
- Gare du Nord
- Gare de L’est
- Gare de Lyon (international train station)
Transportation options within Paris:
Paris has a very good public transportation system making it easy to reach different neighborhoods in the city.
Transportation costs will vary based on the zone you travel to.
It is best to stay within zones 1-3 although accommodation may be more expensive.
There are many hotels, hostels and Airbnbs available throughout Paris to suit individual needs. will offer choices in various categories.