Ten years after our very first Awakening Europe Stadium Event in Nuremberg, where thousands of lives were radically transformed, it is time again to bring the power of God to the streets. It feels very historic and special to our hearts to call Nuremberg a Million Month City.

Nuremberg has a rich spiritual inheritance. For example, during the Reformation in the 16th century, initiated by Martin Luther, it was a center for spreading the Gospel and distributing Luther’s writings.

It is time to call the lost home. There is an urgency that the Gospel needs to be preached and heard. We believe that God is going to move mightily. Come and be a part of something historic and witness God moving through the streets of this city!

Denní rozvrh

Každý den se vydáme na několik hodin do ulic, abychom sdíleli evangelium a viděli mnoho setkání, která mění život, modlili se za uzdravení a milovali lidi. Budeme mít přestávky, kde si budete moci dát oběd a večeři, a pravidelné časy, kdy se budeme scházet k uctívání, modlitbám a poslouchat úžasná svědectví o tom, co Bůh na ulicích dělá.

Konkrétnější informace o městě, které jste si vybrali, vám zašleme po podání přihlášky.

Všichni účastníci si hradí veškeré náklady sami (letenky, ubytování, dopravu, stravu atd.) Věříme, že to bude skvělá investice do šíření evangelia po celé Evropě.


We recommend flying directly to Nuremberg.

Nuremberg Airport is a well-located airport for both domestic and international flights, just about 5 km from the city center.

Getting from Nuremberg Airport to the city center is quite easy and quick. There are several options:

By subway

The U2 subway line goes directly from the airport to the city center. The “Flughafen” station is right at the terminal, and you can take the subway to Nuremberg Central Station (Nürnberg Hbf) in about 12-15 minutes. The subway runs every 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the time of day, and is one of the fastest and cheapest options.

Travel time: Approximately 12-15 minutes

Price: About 3-4 euros for a single ticket (depending on the fare zone)

Frequency: Every 10-15 minutes


By bus

There are also several bus lines that connect the airport to different parts of the city. For example, bus line 33 goes to the main station, and other lines will take you to different neighborhoods.

Travel time: About 25-30 minutes, depending on traffic

Price: About 2.80 euros for a single ticket (prices may vary)

Websites: https://www.vgn.de and https://www.vag.de/en/tickets/ticket-search


We will most likely be in the city center. There are many hotels all around the city and it is really quick to get around with the tram and by walking.

Helpful websites to find options for your stay:



Contact the city director directly: