Warsaw is ready for Revival! The capital of Poland, mainly a Catholic nation with a population of around 1.8 million, is eagerly awaiting a fresh move of God. People are hungry for a genuine, transformative encounter with Jesus.
This city is known for its vibrant cultural scene, majestic churches, and its role as a major cultural, economic, and historical center. The universities attract students from all over Poland and internationally, making it the perfect place to flood the streets with the Gospel and watch God come in power!
It is Warsaw’s time! Come join us in bringing heaven down to earth. We are believing for masses to come home, expecting to see Polish churches filled once again, and excited to restore this land to its God-given destiny. Together, we can see revival start in the very streets where the Gospel is preached!
Denní rozvrh
Každý den se vydáme na několik hodin do ulic, abychom sdíleli evangelium a viděli mnoho setkání, která mění život, modlili se za uzdravení a milovali lidi. Budeme mít přestávky, kde si budete moci dát oběd a večeři, a pravidelné časy, kdy se budeme scházet k uctívání, modlitbám a poslouchat úžasná svědectví o tom, co Bůh na ulicích dělá.
Konkrétnější informace o městě, které jste si vybrali, vám zašleme po podání přihlášky.
Všichni účastníci si hradí veškeré náklady sami (letenky, ubytování, dopravu, stravu atd.) Věříme, že to bude skvělá investice do šíření evangelia po celé Evropě.
Best airport is Warsaw airport
Best train stations
Travel within Warsaw city: (go over the bridge too)
- Many bus and trams stops have ticket machines. You’ll also find them at all Metro and train stations, as well as on board the buses, trains, and trams themselves. They have language options and are fairly intuitive to use
- You can use the same ticket on buses, trams, and Metro lines, as well as some trains – see below. Most single journeys can be done with the basic 20-minute ticket that costs 3,40zł. There are also 75-minute tickets for 4,40zł and 90-minute tickets for 7zł.
- You need to validate you ticket at the start of your journey. On trains, trams, and buses, this is done by inserting into one of the yellow machines you’ll find on board. This date stamps the ticket, effectively starting the clock on your journey.
- The bus network is extensive with something like 200 routes operating through the day and 40 buses through the night. Day buses run regularly, every 10 minutes or so for the main routes, from about 5am to midnight. Night buses are usually hourly and cover the most important routes. The buses tend to be punctual and many stops have a digital departures board that updates in real time.
Other travel options:
- Lime electric scooters (app) 0.77 EUR per min, they also have 10 EUR passes for an hour
- Bolt lift (app) 7 EUR per 20 min drive APROX.
- underground Train
- trams (20 min – 0.79 EUR)
- buses (20 min – 0.79 EUR)
- Metro (20 min – 0.79 EUR)
- Hotel Polonia palace
- Hotel MDM
- Hampton by Hilton
- NYX hotel Warsaw
- Warsaw hostel centrum (cheaper but shared rooms)
- AirBnBs in central Warsaw are also a good option